Representing and supporting medical oncologists in the UK

Terms of Reference

About the UK SACT Board
The professional bodies whose members are involved in the delivery of chemotherapy services – The Royal College of Radiologists (RCR), the Royal College of Physicians (RCP), the Association of Cancer Physicians (ACP), the Royal College of Pathologists (RCPath), the British Oncology Pharmacy Association (BOPA) and the UK Oncology Nursing Society (UKONS) - have a key interest in ensuring the ongoing delivery and development of high-quality chemotherapy services for cancer patients UK-wide. The UK Chemotherapy Board was established jointly by these bodies in 2013 to deliver this aspiration. 

The main purpose of the UK SACT Board is to provide guidance, oversight and support for the continuing development of chemotherapy services in the UK.

Strategic tasks include:

Co-ordinating work at national level to support commissioning and delivery of services locally
Advising on the development and delivery of safe, high-quality chemotherapy services
Working collaboratively with other groups and organisations across the UK involved in the delivery of chemotherapy services, including the NHS England Chemotherapy Clinical Reference Group and the Joint Collegiate Council for Oncology
Developing a strategy and structure for workforce planning and training, and for professional standards
Supporting and encouraging research in chemotherapy, by working collaboratively with the research community
Commissioning individual pieces of work as required.
Operation of the Chemotherapy Board
Each of the professional bodies will host the UK SACT Board for one year, with the host body providing the Chair and administrative support for meetings. The professional bodies will adopt a consensus approach to working together through the Board.

The Board will draw its membership from the professional bodies listed above. Additional members may be co-opted as required. All members of the Board serve a term of up to four years, with membership renewable for one additional term, by agreement with the Board.

Two representatives of The Royal College of Radiologists (Clinical Oncology)
A representative of the Royal College of Physicians (Medical Oncology)
A representative of the Association of Cancer Physicians (Medical Oncology)
Two representatives of the British Oncology Pharmacy Association
Two representatives of the UK Oncology Nursing Society
Two representatives of the Royal College of Pathologists
Two representatives of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health
Co-opted members
A representative of the Chemotherapy Clinical Reference Group, NHS England
A representative of the Chemotherapy Clinical Information Group, Public Health England
A representative of the National Institute for Health Research
A representative from Northern Ireland
A representative from Scotland
A representative from Wales
A lay representative (nominated by the professional bodies)
Membership of the Board is reviewed on a regular basis, at least annually.

Frequency of meetings
The UK SACT Board meets three times a year.

January 2018