Representing and supporting medical oncologists in the UK


Oncology: Resources to assist in your work as an oncologist.

#Web Link
1 National Cancer Intelligence Network
  Repository of cancer related data and analysis of datasets from the UK to help improve future practice and outcomes.
2 Pallative Care Guidelines
  The Palliative Care Guidelines developed by a collaboration of UK Cancer networks, and the Welsh Palliative Care Implementation Group. Additional material is provided by Dr Ian Back.
3  British Oncology Pharmacy Association
  Includes useful information and guidance surrounding systemic therapies.
4  Tumour Staging Assistant
  StageCRAFT. Brilliant little bit of software this which aids in working out the TNM staging of various cancer types. It was developed by UK radiologist Martin Crowe and is free to download.
5  AJCC Cancer Staging
  Download free quick reference guides for tumour staging from the American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC).
6  UK Oncology Nursing Society
  The website hosts some useful resources including training information for the Oncology/Haematology 24-Hour Triage: Rapid Assessment and Access Toolkit.


ACP and RCR Joint Working Group

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In late 2023 the ACP and the Faculty of Clinical Oncology at the RCR established a Joint Working Group (JWG) to develop plans for closer working between the two specialties in several key areas including policy, strategy, training and workforce development.  At the outset it was agreed to review the work of the JWG after its first year of operation.  A report, summarising ...

ACP/RCR recommendations for oncology teams when blood stocks are low

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From time to time the NHS Blood and Transplant Service issues alerts about low levels of blood stocks and asks hospitals to restrict the use of blood, to ensure that patients who need blood can receive a transfusion.  The ACP and RCR have issued a joint statement with recommendations for oncology teams in such circumstances.  The recommendations are available here.


Webinar on Training in Medical Oncology

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Want to find out more about a career in Medical Oncology?  The ACP recently held a webinar to allow participants to learn more about a fulfilling career in this exciting and expanding specialty.   This event was a great opportunity to find out about different training opportunities and what they involve, as well as hearing from a panel of experts including&nbs...

New free Genomics e-learning resource

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The ACP has collaborated with the RCR to develop a brand new e-learning resource on the Fundamentals of Cancer Genomics, targeted at medical and clinical oncologists, as well as HCPs involved in the care of patients with cancer.