Representing and supporting medical oncologists in the UK

ACP Trainees Meeting 2024

Thursday 21 November – Friday 22 November 2024

We are delighted to invite you to this year's ACP trainee meeting. This year's meeting has the theme of "Precision Oncology".

Cancer treatment is becoming increasingly tailored to the individual patient, with an ever increasing number of targeted therapies. Our programme will explore the role of molecularly targeted therapies and individually tailored treatments in a variety of tumour sites. In addition, we will be hearing about the future of Precision Oncology and personalised treatment in the form of cancer vaccines, ctDNA guided therapy, whole genome sequencing and cellular therapies. We have a range of speakers from across the UK, all of whom are experts in their fields, and we believe that this will be an incredibly interesting and educational meeting.

For the first time for an ACP trainee meeting, we have had to include a small fee for attendance. Although we are grateful to our sponsors for their generous support, the costs of running these events are considerable, and we are no longer able to hold the meeting without asking for a contribution from attendees. However, we believe that this cost still represents good value for money and is still below that charged for similar events by other organisations.


Venue: Hilton Leeds City Hotel, Leeds.


To register please click here.


Meeting Only (no accommodation) - £50
Meeting + Accommodation - £100
Note: This event is only open to ACP Trainee Members.

Click here to become a Member.


Complimentary Thursday night accommodation is offered to trainees and can be booked via the registration site. A preferential rate of £130 has been secured for the Wednesday night. This can be booked via the link sent to you in your booking confirmation email.


Click here to download the programme.

Thursday 21 November 2024

0930 - 0950 Registration with coffee  
0950  Welcome and introduction - Dr Richard Heywood, Chair, ACP Trainee Committee  
1000 Session 1: Cancer Vaccines - Now and in the future
Dr Dan Muller and Max Shen, Cancer Vaccines Launchpad Team
1130 Session 2: Precision Oncology: Breast cancer  
1215 Precision oncology and targeted therapies: renal  
1400 Session 3: Lung cancer (EGFR therapies and understanding of resistance mechanisms)
Dr Adam Januszewski, St Barts Hospital, London
1445 Gynaecological cancers (PARP, bev, IO in endo)
Dr Rowan Miller, UCL
1600 Session 4: ctDNA guided treatment (focus on melanoma and GI cancers)
Dr Rebecca Lee, Christie and Dr Chris Williams, Leeds Teaching Hospitals
1700-1745 NOTCH session
Dr Karin Purshouse, NOTCH chair
1930 - 0000 Dinner  


Friday 22 November 2024

0800-0830 Registration with coffee  
0830  Session 5: ACP Trainee Update
ACP Trainee Committee
0900 Session 6: Breast Cancer: Tailoring treatments based on pathological response
Dr Caroline Michie, Edinburgh Cancer Centre
1030 Session 7: BAGSHAWE LECTURE
Whole Genome Sequencing in Oncology: Current landscape and future directions
Professor Carlos Caldas, University of Cambridge
1130 Precision oncology and targeted therapies: GI cancers (CRC, HPB)
Dr Kai-Keen Shiu, UCLH
1215 Precision oncology and targeted therapies: melanoma  
1400 Session 8: CAR-T and Cellular Therapies  
1500 ACP Prize Presentations  
1545 Closing Remarks
Dr Richard Heywood, Chair, ACP Trainee Committee
1600 End of conference