UK SACT Board - Overview
The UK SACT Board (formerly the UK Chemotherapy Board) provides guidance, oversight and support for the continuing development of chemotherapy services in the UK. The ACP is currently represented on the UK SACT Board by Dr Roshan Agarwal.
It was established in 2013 by The Royal College of Radiologists (RCR), the Royal College of Physicians (RCP), the Association of Cancer Physicians (ACP), the Royal College of Pathologists (RCPath), the British Oncology Pharmacy Association (BOPA) and the UK Oncology Nursing Society (UKONS). It has representation from across the four UK nations and from other organisations closely involved in chemotherapy services.
The Chair and Secretariat for the UK SACT Board rotates annually through its parent organisations. However it has recently set up its own website, which houses the Terms of Reference, details of current membership, an annual report and details of current and completed projects and publications and position statements. In addition, the UKCB has been key in the development and oversight of national standardised SACT regimen-specific and generic consent forms. The aim is to support clinicians throughout the UK in ensuring that all patients are fully informed when consenting to SACT. The UK SACT Board also holds its annual conference in November.
The Board’s strategic role includes:
Co-ordinating work at national level to support commissioning and delivery of services locally
Advising on the development and delivery of safe, high-quality chemotherapy services
Working collaboratively with other groups and organisations across the UK involved in the delivery of chemotherapy services, including the Chemotherapy Clinical Reference Group and the Joint Collegiate Council for Oncology.
Recent Publications
Hepatitis B testing - new position statement and guidance
For patients prior to starting to SACT and especially immunosuppressive agents (published Jan 2022) now available on UK SACT Board website here.
National SACT Protocols - options appraisal document
The aim is to produce a web-based library of SACT protocols for use by trusts throughout the UK. A project plan has been developed and is available on the UK SACT Board website, here.
Standards for Reducing Risks Associated with e-Prescribing
Published in February 2022 and available on UK SACT Board website, here.
National Regimen-Specific Consent Forms
A reminder that these continue to be revalidated and updated regularly, all are available on the CRUK website here.
Ambulatory Pathway for Oncology Patients Presenting with Low Risk Febrile Neutropenia
The UK SACT Board have produced a guidance document on the ambulatory pathway for oncology patients presenting with low risk febrile neutropenia. The document is here.
The Management of Glycaemic Control in Patients with Cancer
The UK SACT Board, in partnership with the diabetologists, have developed guidance on the monitoring of blood sugar levels in patients on steroids/SACT. The document is here.
COVID-19 vaccine for pts on SACT: clinician FAQs and Guidance
The UK SACT Board has produced a guidance document which addresses key questions raised by health care professionals relating to the administration of the Pfizer/BioNTech, Oxford/AZ COVID-19 and Moderna vaccines in patients on SACT.
A link to the document is here.